Alignment Workshop

Alignment Workshop


In the Yoga Sutras, Patanjali refers to ‘sthira-sukha asanam’, which is understood to mean the

creation of ease in the body whilst maintaining strength and stability. Cultivating these dual qualities

allows us to move through our practice in a state of mindfulness and grace. Our attention is able to

shift from the mind, or discomfort in our bodies we may experience. We find stillness and develop a

heightened sense of awareness of the body and breath as we practice. We feel a sense of calm, even

during poses we may find challenging. This is where the magic of yoga takes place. In this workshop

we will explore how proper alignment allows us to experience a sense of freedom and how paying

attention to our foundation and breath transforms the way we feel in a pose. We will explore other

yogic concepts including Drishti (gaze) and Bandhas (locks). Our yoga practice will deepen, as we

experience this balance of sthira and sukha when we step on the mat. With time and practice, we

learn to take this state into our daily lives.

This workshop is suitable all yogis, beginners and experienced alike.

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